Monday, November 12, 2007

Update: WAMC

Pulled from the comment to below post, thanks C for finding this, and thanks of course for writing a wonderful letter. Archive of this show is here:

You'll have to go in a little bit to get to the letter. I didn't realize at first that this would be a discussion of the questions posed by the letter. I thought it was great and hit on one of the major issues of this situation, and news in general.

Bringing in the additional full story makes it a harder story to write. With the absence of the issue of Scott's mental health, the story is just a funny piece. But once you add in that layer of complexity - and let me clarify here - we are not talking about someone who has a mental illness but was stable and on medication, we are talking about someone who was not stable and was in the middle of a breakdown and was hospitalized shortly after this incident - that layer makes it a totally different story - one that raises serious questions about our society - none of them easy questions to answer.

But, that's not easy for people to grasp. That makes the issue gray. And you can see from some of the comments here and elsewhere, some people can only grasp the superficial level of a story and latch on to that. This story aside, you can look at almost any mainstream news story and find that this is true - there is only black and white.

1 comment:

Therapy4help said...

Each kid is different and therefore even their reaction to a situation is unique as the individual is; therefore, parents cannot expect the same response to a difficult situation from 2 different kids.